Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It's your choice

'I want what you want. The day you really want an end to hunger, there will be no hunger. I have given you all the resources with which to do that. You have all the tools with which to make that choice. You have not made it. Not because you cannot make it. The world could end world hunger tomorrow. You choose not to make it.

Your claim that there are good reasons that 40,000 people a day must die of hunger. There are no good reasons. Yet at a time when you say you can do nothing to stop 40,000 people a day from dying of hunger, you bring 50,000 people a day into your world to begin a new life. And this you call love. This you call God's plan. It is a plan which totally lacks logic or reason, to say nothing of compassion.

I am showing you in stark terms that the world exists the way it exists because you have chosen for it to. You are systemically destroying your own environment, then pointing to so-called natural disasters as evidence of God's cruel hoax, or Nature's harsh ways. You have played hoax on yourself, and it is your ways which are cruel.

Nothing, nothing is more gentle than Nature. And nothing, nothing has been more cruel to Nature than man. Yet you step aside from all involvement in this; deny all responsibility. It is not your fault, you say, and in this you are right. It is not a question of fault, it is a matter of choice.

You can choose to end the destruction of your rain forests tomorrow. You can choose to stop depleting the protective layer hovering over your planet. You can choose to discontinue the ongoing onslaught of your earth's ingenious ecosystem. You can seek to put the snowflake back together - or at least, to halt its inexorable melting - but will you do it?

You can similarly end all war tomorrow. Simply. Easily. All it takes - all it has ever taken - is for all of you to agree. Yet if you cannot all agree on something as basically simple as ending the killing of each other, how can you call upon the heavens with shaking fists to put your life in order?

I will do nothing for you that you will not do for your Self. That is the law and the prophets.

The world is in the condition it is in because of you, and choices you have made - or failed to make.

The Earth is in the shape it's in because of you, and choices you have made - or failed to make.

Your own life is the way it is because of you, and the choices you have made - or failed to make.'


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