Friday, October 06, 2006

'Soft' on Terrorism

President Bush has accused the Democrats on 'soft' on terrorism. I can't speak for the Democrats. However, since I advocate Compassion for 'All' and that include 'terrorists', I thought I'll defend that position.

First, there was one - God. With one God, all was the same ... pretty boring. He then created opposites - yin yang ... more diversity, more interesting. With opposites, we can make choices. With opposites, we discover who we are.

We are living in this dichotomoty. All of us have this dichotomy within us. It was designed that way. We are different, yet we come from the same source, and therefore, we are the same.

Even the saints have this dark side within them, however, they have better mastery over it. What this also mean is the 'terrorists', the 'criminals' also have the light side within them, although, it might be hidden from them.

Being 'soft' on terrorism has an increased chance of bringing the light side out of them, while being 'hard' on terrorism has an increased chance of bringing the dark side out of them.

What has your experience been when someone is being 'hard' on you? Don't you get 'hard' back - it is an natural instinct to protect yourself. What has your experience been when someone is being 'soft' on you? Perhaps you are not as intimidated, and perhaps you develop more trust and more open, and start the healing process.

That is what we want. Bring the light out of people. We know there are two sides of them, and we strive to bring the light out of them. To do that, we have to bring the light out of us and serve as examples. It is the transformation that we are seeking, bring 'lost' souls back Home. It's not about condoning, it's about healing. We are given choices, and hopefully, we make the better choice.


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